Date of Publication : 30, Aug, 2022
Date Of Acceptance : 25 Aug, 2022
Author: Ibitola Amoke,Oladeji (MPH, RN, RM)
Co Author: Beatrice Magboro Ohaeri (PhD, FWACN, MSc, RN), Iyanuoluwa Orofe Ojo (PhD, MSc, RN) , Babarimisa Oluwatoyin Moduupeore (MSc, RN),
Area of research / Subject: Relevance of Telenursing as A New Dimension in Nursing Practice
Introduction: Telenursing is a means where nurses meet the health need of client through information, communication and web based systems in delivery; managing and coordinating of care and services provided through information and telecommunication technology. Nurses engage in telenursing through the use of nursing process to access plan, implement, evaluate and document nursing care. They are also involved in provision of information referrals, education and support.
Aims: This essay aims to review telenursing as a new dimension in community nursing health care practice, through delivery of nursing care over a long distance; using telecommunication and various computer technologies to reach people at the comfort of their home.
Conclusion: Therefore, there it is very important for the audience to understand and appreciate how telenursing services has brought a tremendous change in clinical practice especially during the period of pandemic and maintenance of social distancing. At the end of the review, the following points were recommended; 1. Development in bio-information and advancements has enhanced nursing with cutting edge technology. Therefore, adoption of Nursing informatics to develop and make improvement on technology is pertinent to the nursing profession in this twenty-second century. 2. Research and application of clinical best practices: nursing services with telenursing could prove long distance service, time efficiency and allocation of funds. Hence, a solution to answer the aforementioned challenges. 3. Training of other nurses on telenursing and the use of Electronic Medical Records.
Keywords: Telehealth, Telenursing, Health promotion, Nurses. Electronic Medical Records, Nursing informatics,
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Author(s), IBITOLA Amoke,Oladeji (MPH, RN, RM), BEATRICE Magboro Ohaeri (PhD, FWACN, MSc, RN), IYANUOLUWA Orofe Ojo (PhD, MSc, RN), BABARIMISA Oluwatoyin Moduupeore (MSc, RN), (2022). “Relevance of Telenursing as A New Dimension in Nursing Practice”. Name of the Journal: International Journal of Academic Research in Business, Arts and Science, (IJARBAS.COM), P, 14-30 , DOI: , Issue: 8, Vol.: 4, Article: 2, Month: August, Year: 2022. Retrieved from
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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI)
4.8 – 2022 – 2 – Relevance of Telenursing as A New Dimension in Nursing PracticeKeywords : Telehealth, Telenursing, Health promotion, Nurses. Electronic Medical Records, Nursing informatics,
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