Date of Publication : 31, Mar, 2024
This paper is a review of decolonial literature which presents in a harmonious way the fundamental works and ideas to understand the importance of decolonial processes in the social, political, and educational fields. This document highlights the most relevant ideas presented by the authors, and analyzes and discusses their opinions and assertions, especially on the consequences of colonialism, the role of language within literature, the language adopted (imposed) by the colonies, the importance of the recognition and rediscovery of their cultural identity, the aspects of politics today and most importantly, the relevance of education within the process of colonization and decolonization.
Keywords: Decoloniality, Colonialism, Decolonial Literature, Cultural Identity, Education,
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Author(s), Romario Montaño-Ramos, (2024). “Introduction to Decolonizing Thoughts: A Review of the Decolonial Literature and Retrospective Analysis”. Name of the Journal: International Journal of Academic Research in Business, Arts and Science, (IJARBAS.COM), P, 1-16 , DOI: , Issue: 3, Vol.: 6, Article: 1, Month: March, Year: 2024. Retrieved from
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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI)
6.3- 2024 – 1 – Introduction to Decolonizing Thoughts A Review of the Decolonial Literature and Retrospective Analysis
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