Menstrual Hygiene Management: Women Resilience to Fight Against Cultural Beliefs and Stereotypes On Menstruation, Nigeria - International Journal of Academic Research in Business, Arts & Science | IJARBAS

Issue: 2, Volume: 6, Year: 2024

Menstrual Hygiene Management: Women Resilience to Fight Against Cultural Beliefs and Stereotypes On Menstruation, Nigeria

Date of Publication : 28, Feb, 2024

Date Of Acceptance : 25 February 2024

Author: OLUSEGUN, Grace Funmilayo (Ph.D.)

Area of research / Subject: Menstrual Hygiene Management: Women Resilience to Fight Against Cultural Beliefs and Stereotypes On Menstruation, Nigeria

Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) is a critical yet often overlooked aspect of women’s health, particularly in regions where cultural beliefs and stereotypes significantly impact practices and perceptions of menstruation. This study, conducted by Olusegun Grace Funmilayo, explores the resilience of women in Nigeria as they navigate and challenge deeply entrenched cultural beliefs and stereotypes surrounding menstruation. Despite menstruation being a natural biological process, it is often shrouded in myths and taboos that contribute to stigma and inadequate menstrual hygiene practices. The research highlights the adverse effects these cultural norms have on women’s physical, emotional, and social well-being, including the perpetuation of period poverty and its implications for women’s education and economic opportunities. Furthermore, the study underscores the necessity of providing adequate WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) facilities in public and private spaces to enable women to manage their menstrual hygiene safely and with dignity. By promoting awareness, education, and open dialogue about menstruation, this study advocates for a shift towards more supportive and informed attitudes, ultimately fostering resilience among women to overcome the challenges posed by cultural beliefs and stereotypes. Through this lens, the research calls for continuous efforts in challenging stereotypes, improving access to menstrual products, and integrating comprehensive menstrual education to enhance the overall health and dignity of women in Nigeria.


Keywords: Menstrual Hygiene, Management, Women Resilience, Cultural Beliefs,


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Author(s),  OLUSEGUN, Grace Funmilayo (Ph.D.), (2024). “Menstrual Hygiene Management: Women Resilience to Fight Against Cultural Beliefs and Stereotypes On Menstruation, Nigeria”. Name of the Journal:  International Journal of Academic Research in Business, Arts and Science, (IJARBAS.COM), P, 112 , DOI:  , Issue: 2, Vol.: 6, Article: 1, Month: February, Year: 2024. Retrieved from

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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI)

6.2- 2024 – 1 – Menstrual Hygiene Management Women Resilience to Fight Against Cultural Beliefs and Stereotypes On Menstruation, Nigeria

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Keywords : Menstrual Hygiene, Management, Women Resilience, Cultural Beliefs,

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