Weight and Morphological Properties of Eggs Selected for Experimental Incubation - International Journal of Academic Research in Business, Arts & Science | IJARBAS

Issue: 12, Volume: 3, Year: 2021

Weight and Morphological Properties of Eggs Selected for Experimental Incubation

Date of Publication : 23, Dec, 2021

Date Of Acceptance : 20 Dec, 2021

Author: Naurizov TK, Ph.D.

Co Author: Rzambetova GT , Erejepov A.S

Area of research / Subject: Weight and Morphological Properties of Eggs Selected for Experimental Incubation

Keywords : eggs, poultry, incubation, selection, products, protein, yolk, shell,

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Number: www.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5801364

Serial: 1 Download Page: 1-5