Date of Publication : 23, Dec, 2021
Date Of Acceptance : 20 Dec, 2021
Author: Koraboev Husniddin Kamolovich
Area of research / Subject: Theoretical Aspects of Organization of Homework from Reading Lessons in Primary Class
This article is based on the theoretical aspects of homework organization from primary school reading lessons, the scientific and methodological study of homework organization as a social necessity. The content and specifics of homework from reading lessons in primary class are analyzed in detail. The article provides recommendations for students to start independent activities based on homework in primary classes.
Keywords: Primary education, homework, education, learning, collaboration, effective outcome, person-centered learning, assignment, independent thinking, question-assignment, activity, systematic approach, text, logical thinking, individual approach,
Cite this article:
Author(s), Koraboev Husniddin Kamolovich, (2021). “Theoretical Aspects of Organization of Homework from Reading Lessons in Primary Class”. Name of the Journal: International Journal of Academic Research in Business, Arts and Science, (IJARBAS.COM), P, 6- 11, DOI: , Issue: 12, Vol.: 3, Article: 2, Month: December, Year: 2021. Retrieved from
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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI)
Keywords : Primary education, homework, education, learning, collaboration, effective outcome, person-centered learning, assignment, independent thinking, question-assignment, activity, systematic approach, text, logical thinking, individual approach,
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