The Lingvadidactic Basis of Teaching Economic Terms Through the Interactive Method - International Journal of Academic Research in Business, Arts & Science | IJARBAS

Issue: 4, Volume: 3, Year: 2021

The Lingvadidactic Basis of Teaching Economic Terms Through the Interactive Method

Date of Publication : 30, Apr, 2021

Date Of Acceptance : 25 April, 2021

Author: KHudayberganova Marguba Abdievna

Co Author: Shermatov Botir Erkinovich, Sativaldieva Sanobar Dilshodevna

Area of research / Subject: The Lingvadidactic Basis of Teaching Economic Terms Through the Interactive Method

The purpose of the research is to improve the lingo didactic basis of teaching economic terms in English and to illustrate ways to solve problems that arise in practice. use of interactive methods, analysis of the peculiarities of teaching economic terms, study of the history of the origin of terms and quantitative indicators in the assimilation layer, identification of the typology of problems in the practical application of economic terms, the development of a system of utilization.


Keywords: didactic basis, terminology, economics, linguodidactics, monolingualism, bilingualism, specialty, interactive method, situation-dialogue,  situational-game, simulation, situation analysis, auction ideas, classification,

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Author(s), KHudayberganova Marguba Abdievna, Shermatov Botir Erkinovich, Sativaldieva Sanobar Dilshodevna, (2021). “The Lingvadidactic Basis of Teaching Economic Terms Through the Interactive Method”. Name of the Journal:  International Journal of Academic Research in Business, Arts and Science, (IJARBAS.COM), P, 17- 26. DOI: , Issue: 4, Vol.: 3, Article: 3, Month: April, Year: 2021. Retrieved from

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3.4 – 2021 – 3 – The Lingvadidactic Basis of Teaching Economic Terms Through the Interactive Method

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Keywords : didactic basis, terminology, economics, linguodidactics, monolingualism, bilingualism, specialty, interactive method, situation-dialogue, situational-game, simulation, situation analysis, auction ideas, classification,

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Number:

Serial: 3 Download Page: 17-26