Issue: 2, Volume: 3, Year: 2021
Evaluation of the Achievement of National Objectives of Primary School in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja
Date of Publication : 28, Feb, 2021
Date Of Acceptance : 25 Feb, 2021
Area of research / Subject: Evaluation of the Achievement of National Objectives of Primary School in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja
The study evaluated the achievement of the National objectives of Primary School education in FCT, Abuja, Nigeria. The evaluation research design was adopted in the study. The population of the study comprised three hundred primary school teachers in twelve primary schools and in six area councils of FCT. Multistage technique was used for the selection respondents. Sampling technique and Stratified sampling technique was adopted for the selection processes. The questionnaire was face validated by two experts in Educational Measurement and Evaluation and three experts from Nasarawa state university. The instruments were trial-tested in Kogi state of Nigeria. The internal consistency of the instruments was determined using Cronbach Alpha. Cronbach Alpha is applied to instruments. The reliability estimates for the instrument were .937, .552;. The method of data collection involved the use of questionnaire. Data generated for the study was analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The result revealed that the aims and objectives of Primary school education have been achieved in Federal Capital Territory in a moderate extent. The study recommended that the government should increase the funding of Primary school education in Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria.
Keywords: Evaluation, Primary, School, Objectives, National, Education,
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Keywords : Evaluation, Primary, School, Objectives, National, Education,
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