Date of Publication : 23, Jan, 2021
Date Of Acceptance : 15 Jan, 2021
Author: Ravshonbek Khudaybergan-ugli Khudayberganov
Area of research / Subject: Philosophy of Communications: Classification of Western Thinkers' Views Based On Language and Communication
Relevance. Language is one of the most important topics in modern philosophy. From the point of view of analytical philosophy, it is the only subject of study that deserves attention. Language as a physiological, psychological, sociological phenomenon is the subject of many disciplines.
Materials and methods. The article used methods of comparison, review of literature and theories, study of sources.
Results. The problems of language, the theory of the origin of language and communications, and special directions of studying this problem are analyzed.
Conclusion. Theories of the origin of language and communications are grouped, special areas of language learning are systematized.
Keywords: language, communication, theory of origin, special directions,
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Author(s), RAVSHONBEK KHUDAYBERGAN-UGLI KHUDAYBERGANOV, (2021). “Philosophy of Communications: Classification of Western Thinkers’ Views Based On Language and Communication”. Name of the Journal: International Journal of Academic Research in Business, Arts and Science, (IJARBAS.COM), P, 1- 11. DOI: , Issue: 1, Vol.: 3, Article: 1, Month: January, Year: 2021. Retrieved from
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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI)
Keywords : language, communication, theory of origin, special directions,
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