Date of Publication : 23, Jan, 2021
Date Of Acceptance : 15 Jan, 2021
Area of research / Subject: Health System In The Cities Of Uzbekistan: Status and Issues (1950–1980)
Abstract: From the mid-twentieth century to the 190s, the health care system and public utilities in Uzbekistan underwent unique development. During this period, important measures were taken to protect and restore public health and prevent various diseases. However, due to a number of factors, the development of the field has been very challenging. This article describes the situation in the health care system using the example of large cities in Uzbekistan and analyses the problems associated with this.
Keywords: Uzbekistan, cities, healthcare, hospital, doctor, patient, medical service, Tashkent, Bukhara, Urgench, Fergana, Khiva,
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Author(s), ANORA ZAYNIDDINOVNA TOGAEVA, (2021). “Health System In The Cities Of Uzbekistan: Status and Issues (1950–1980)”. Name of the Journal: International Journal of Academic Research in Business, Arts and Science, (IJARBAS.COM), P, 12- 19. DOI: , Issue: 1, Vol.: 3, Article: 2, Month: January, Year: 2021. Retrieved from
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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI)
Keywords : Uzbekistan, cities, healthcare, hospital, doctor, patient, medical service, Tashkent, Bukhara, Urgench, Fergana, Khiva,
DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Number:
Serial: 2 | Download | Page: 12-19 |