Date of Publication : 30, Jun, 2020
Date Of Acceptance : 13 June, 2020
Co Author: Prof. SOTUNSA, John Obafemi , OLAJIDE, TAYO EMMANUEL (RN, RM, B.NSc, M.Sc)
Area of research / Subject: Effect of Nurse-Led Intervention On the Knowledge and Management of Childhood Diarrhoea Among Caregivers in Child Daycare Centres / Nursing Science
Diarrhoea is widely recognized as a major cause of childhood morbidity and mortality in many developing countries, particularly in Nigeria. Therefore, this study was a nurse-led intervention on the knowledge and management of childhood diarrhoea among caregivers in child daycare centres in Ibadan, Oyo State. This study adopted pre-test post-test quasi-experimental, research design. Convenience Sampling was adopted to select 126 care givers working in 88 child daycare centres in Ibadan. A self-designed questionnaire with three sections was used to collect data on knowledge of diarrhoea and management of diarrhoea. Face and content validity of the instrument was ascertained by presenting them expert in field of nursing with certification in Tests and Measurement. The reliability of the instruments was ascertained by testing the questionnaires using 13 caregivers in 5 child daycare centres. Cronbach Alpha was used to calculate the data collected and the reliability coefficient values for Section B and C were 0.700 and 0.854 respectively. Data collected were processed descriptively and inferentially. The findings revealed that the caregivers pre and post intervention mean score on knowledge of diarrhoea were 12.09 and 18.99 while pre and post intervention mean score on knowledge of management of diarrhoea were 5.03 and 8.84. There were statistical differences between the pre and post-intervention mean score of participants’ knowledge of diarrhoea and knowledge of management of diarrhoea. It was recommended among others that caregivers should be encouraged to participate in any training programme organized by professional healthcare givers to improve their knowledge and management of diarrhoea.
Keywords: Nurse-Led Intervention, Knowledge, Management, Childhood Diarrhoea, Caregivers,
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Author(s), ODUNTAN, ADEFISAYO ESTHER (RN, RM, B.NSc, M.Sc), PROF. SOTUNSA, JOHN OBAFEMI, And OLAJIDE, TAYO EMMANUEL (RN, RM, B.NSc, M.Sc), (2020). “Effect of Nurse-Led Intervention On the Knowledge and Management of Childhood Diarrhoea Among Caregivers in Child Daycare Centres in Ibadan, Oyo State”. Name of the Journal: International Journal of Academic Research in Business, Arts and Science, (IJARBAS.COM), P, 1- 11. DOI: , Issue: 6, Vol.: 2, Article: 1, Month: June, Year: 2020. Retrieved from
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ThoughtWares Consulting & Multi Services International (TWCMSI)
Keywords : Nurse-Led Intervention, Knowledge, Management, Childhood Diarrhoea, Caregivers,
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