Date of Publication : 30, Nov, 2019
Date Of Acceptance : 1 Nov, 2019
Author: Nigist Melese and Bayisa Nigusie
Co Author: Tarik Kechema (PhD)
Area of research / Subject: Perception of Tax Evasion / Accounting and Finance
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of tax evasion among tax payers of payers Robe town administration. To attain the intended objective, the study used quantitative research method and logit method for the econometrics model. And to collect the necessary data from the respective respondents questionnaire was distributed and collected from 346 respondents. For the data analysis SPSS version 20.0 was used. The finding of this study revealed that; tax knowledge, efficiency of tax authority, equity, and tax audit are found to be significant factors that could affect the tax evasion perception of tax payers.
1.3 – 1 Perception of Tax Evasion Among Tax Payers of Robe Town Administration, Ethiopia
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Author(s), NIGIST MELESE, BAYISA NIGUSIE AND TARIK KECHEMA(PhD) (2019). “Perception of Tax Evasion Among Tax Payers of Robe Town Administration, Ethiopia”. Name of the Journal: International Journal of Academic Research in Business, Arts and Science, (IJARBAS.COM), P, 1- 13. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3635057, Issue: 3, Vol.: 1, Article: 1, Month: November, Year: 2019. Retrieved from
Keywords : taxpayers’ perception, tax evasion, Logit method,
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