Issue: 3, Volume: 1, Year: 2019.
Workplace Stress – A Critical Insight of Causes and Effects on Employees’ Well-being -A Study on Private University Teaching Staff
Date of Publication : 19, Oct, 2019
Date Of Acceptance : 6, Oct, 2019.
Area of research / Subject: Work Stress Management / Industrial Psychology
Work stress is a growing problem around the world that affects not only the health and well-being of employees but also the productivity of organizations. Work stress has become significant due to dynamic social and organizational factors as well as changing needs of life styles. The aim of this study was to investigate the teacher’s exposure to stress at work in university. The study examined the factors causing work stress and the effect of stress on employees’ well-being. The study was a descriptive research. Data was collected using a structured survey questionnaire having a sample size of 80. The sample was made up of Professors, Associate professors, Assistant professors, Senior Lecturers and Lecturers from different private universities of Sylhet city, Bangladesh. The study used Principal Component Factor analysis which extracted eight variables. Correlation was computed to find out the internal consistency among variables. Frequency distribution has been done for all descriptive information. Result showed that all variables positively and significantly correlated with work stress and the internal consistency among different variables was also significant.
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Keywords : work stress, teachers, performance, well-being and university,
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