Issue: 3, Volume: 1, Year: 2019.
Assessment of Teacher Pedagogical Techniques in Addressing Students’ Learning Difficulties in Mathematics
Date of Publication : 18, Aug, 2019
Date Of Acceptance : 16, Aug, 2019
Author: Isaac Buabeng1
Co Author: Gifty Yeboah2, David Cobbinah3, Michael Kwarayire 4 Kwadwo Danso5, Foster Kwashie Dugble6, Damianus Kofi Owusu7
Area of research / Subject: MATHEMATICS
The purpose of this study was to find out the pedagogical techniques junior high school mathematics teachers use to identify and address the learning difficulties of their students. Descriptive design was used to survey 72 mathematics teachers in the Cape Coast Metropolis. Questionnaire was used to sample the views of the respondents whilst descriptive statistics were employed to analyse the resulting data. The outcome of the study revealed that mathematics students commit minor errors and careless mistakes; large class size also poses difficulties to students’ learning. Strictly adhering to mathematics laws and principles was the major intervention measure mathematics teachers used to address their students’ learning difficulties. It is recommended that mathematics teachers become extra careful and methodical in presenting facts in class.Teachers are entreated to spend quality time with students so as to diagnose their problems early enough to address them in time.
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Keywords : Teachers’ Pedagogical Knowledge, Teachers’ Content Knowledge, and
Students’ Learning Difficulties in Mathematics,
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