Issue: Issue: 2,, Volume: Volume: 1, , Year: Year: 2019.
Review of critical pollutants in Wastewater Samples along River Gwagwarwa in Kano State, Nigeria
Date of Publication : 13, Aug, 2019
Author: Ambrose E. Ekevwe
The quantity of water is continuously changing as a result of the reaction of water with contact media affected by anthropogenic influences, such as domestic, industrial, municipal wastes among others. Wastewater samples across River Gwagwarwa and also control samples (from dam used for potable water) were analyzed for critical pollutants. The result obtained for toxic organic pollutant in wastewater samples include dodecanoyl chloride (23.64%) and octadecanoyl chloride (52.51%) among non-toxic pollutants. While result obtained for control water samples include methyl esters which are practically non-toxic. Generally, the organic pollutants investigated in the wastewater sample are alarming, relevant authorities should identify the specific sources of this pollutants to deter it discharge into water or proper treatment before discharge.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3367529
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Keywords : Pollutant, organic, anthropogenic, wastewater,