The study was undertaken to ascertain the role of youth in eradicating electoral violence in the Nigeria’s forthcoming 2019 general election. It was discovered that electoral violence has brought a lot of conflicts in Nigeria among ethnics, religions tribes, nations and also the youth as the key actors of electoral violence suffered a consequences of involvement in the violence as many are wounded and even killed, their future growth is negatively affected and their leadership inheritance is destroyed by destroying themselves and the system, the youths are costing Nigeria both present and future credible leadership. In core, the main objective of democracy and good governance is defeated. The study suggested that Part-time employment for youth, through support to income generation and cash for work activities, existence of peace dialogues, through training community leaders in peace building skills and funding of the dialogues, which were found to be connected with greater freedom of movement, participation in self-help groups, via training in leadership and group management skills, collective action among youth, such as community reconstruction projects. The several influential factors emerged from the study that warrant greater consideration. Political inequality: Youth who believe that their group has less influence in politics than others are more likely to approve of and engage in electoral violence, civic engagement: Youth who take action to try to address governance problems are less likely to engage in or be disposed towards electoral violence. The forms of civic engagement measured comprise joining with others to raise issues, calling in to radio shows, and making complaints to government officials. Governance: Nigerian youth’s perceptions of national and local government performance are consistently low, but were not found to directly influence their likelihood to condone or participate in electoral violence. Rather, the main factor related to risk of engagement in violence appears to be their access to established channels to voice their grievances regarding governance issues. These findings reinforce the points consistently raised by youth Nigerian that their exclusion from political processes and marginalization from having a say in decisions affecting their lives are major sources of their alienation and anger, and potential push factors toward electoral violence but by the recent signed of not too young to run bill such issues will be minimal.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3365705
Post Views: 869
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