Issue: Issue: 2,, Volume: Volume: 1,, Year: Year: 2019.
Barriers of technology integration in teaching English
Date of Publication : 09, Aug, 2019
Author: Renu Singh
The study presents an exploratory perspective on barriers to technology integration in teaching English at school. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the EFL teachers’ perceptions of possible barriers of technology integration in teaching at school. The data collected from ten EFL teachers through semi-structured interview were analyzed thematically to explore the perceived barriers of technology integration. The major finding of the study revealed the fact that EFL teachers are ready to integrate technology but they feel challenged due to some external factors such as insufficient ICT infrastructure, lack of professional ICT trainings, time constraint, workload, digital divide etc. The study will hopefully contribute bringing some insights for education policy makers, ELT practitioners and researchers for the further enhancement of school education in regard of effective integration of technology into instructional practices in general.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3364752
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Keywords : Technology integration, constructivism, EFL, barriers, TPACK, digital divide,